Qualified Refrigerator Repair Service in Dubai

If you are unable to perform refrigerator repairs because they are very complicated, it is high time to contact a professional technician for this task. If you have purchased your fridge recently, it is unlikely you need to provide it with any repairs except tune-up or slight modifications. Your refrigerator is rather new, it is easy to get it back up and running, especially when a well-trained and experienced technician accomplishes this task. But if its lifespan comes to an end, its parts can be worn out. In this case, repairs can be very expensive and impractical, and it would be better to replace your old fridge with a new one.

If you carefully maintain your refrigerator, it can operate 14 years or more. However, as it ages, it becomes less efficient and breaks down frequently. If so, you need to compare its future repair and maintenance costs with the cost of buying a new refrigerator. Maybe you should think about purchasing a new one to save you money and time. Get connected with Werepair, and our experts will determine the issue with your fridge and advise you whether you need to repair or replace it. Do not wait, call us at +971 50 308 7679 today.

Fridge Expert Tips: Problems You Can Fix By Yourself

1. Check if the power cord is plugged into the outlet.

2. Confirm it’s supplied with power. If the light doesn’t come on when opening the doors, you may need to reset the breaker. Inspect the fuse if there is a fuse box in your house and replace it if it has blown.

3. If the refrigerator still doesn’t run, the outlet may be to blame. Plug in another electrical device to the outlet. If it starts, the outlet is not out of order.

4. Check if Demo or Showroom mode is on and switch it off if necessary. You can find this on the display. This mode doesn’t let the appliance run. Sometimes Demo or Showroom mode may be activated by mistake at delivery or when cleaning the refrigerator and its display.

1. Confirm the appliance has operated long enough to be cold. After control adjustments, it can take two days to lower the temperature to the proper level.

2. If a crisper, meat, or deli drawer is not as cold as it should be, set the airflow controls to a colder mode. The air will blow harder and will be able to lower the temperature in the drawer.

3. Analyze if you can access the condenser coil. You can do this if it is located behind a grill near the floor. If so:

· Turn the fridge off. After that, you can unplug it.

· Remove the grill and get rid of dust on it and under your fridge. You may need to use a vacuum cleaner.

· Using mild soap and warm water, wash the grill and return it to its place.

· Take the fridge’s power cord and plug it into the outlet, switch the refrigerator on, and set the temperature you need.

1. Check if the ice maker is activated and turn it on if necessary. The procedure varies depending on the fridge. You may need to slide the wire arm from upper to lower position or you may need to move the switch to the “on” position.

2. Confirm you didn’t turn off the water supply valve by mistake and turn it on if necessary.

3. If there is stuck ice, you need to clear it from your ice maker. Warm water or a hair dryer can help you manage this task.

4. Check the Lock mode is off. Disable it if necessary, because this mode deactivates an ice dispenser.

5. Make sure the filter is not to blame. If you changed the filter long ago, you may need to replace it now as a dirty filter can be the cause of such a malfunction.

1. Confirm there was enough time to change the temperature in the appliance. After control adjustments, it takes up to two days to bring the temperature to the proper level.

2. Make sure you don’t have an ice maker turned on while the water supply is disconnected. Turn off the ice maker to deactivate it, if necessary, to prevent the fridge from lowering the temperature for ice production.

3. If a large amount of ice was recently produced, your fridge has lowered the temperature for this task. It can take up to 24 hours to restore the normal temperature, so you will need to wait.

4. Confirm the water filter is clean. If it is clogged, the water amount sent to the ice maker is reduced. This results in low ice production and automatically lowering the temperature in order to increase the production. Replace the filter if necessary.

Still Having Problems? Book a Fridge Repair Online

What Types of Refrigerators Does WerepairRepair?

Werepair provides repair service for a wide variety of refrigerators:

  • Garage fridge
  • French door fridge
  • Wine fridge
  • Side-by-side fridge

Different refrigerator types face different problems. French door refrigerators often leak and have ice maker or water dispenser malfunctions. Common issues with wine refrigerators are related to their ability to keep the temperature at a consistent level. Garage refrigerators need to face low outside temperatures in the winter and high outside temperatures in the summer. In both cases, there is an extra load on the fridge as it needs to ensure cool contents in the summer and operate smoothly in the winter when it is very cold outside.

Common refrigerator issues you might need fixed

Here are problems that occur with refrigerators most frequently:

Contact our vetted repairmen for any issue with your French door, garage, wine, and side-by-side refrigerators

Call us at +971 50 308 7679 to schedule our fridge repair services or fill out the form on our website.

  • There is strange noise while the refrigerator is running.
  • The door seal or door gasket is torn.
  • The appliance is leaking.
  • It can’t produce ice.
  • It is covered with frost inside.
  • Water is absent in the dispenser.
  • The fridge has high energy consumption.
  • The refrigerator compressor is out of order

These are only some of the possible refrigerator malfunctions. If you have any problems, whether it is mentioned here or not, do not hesitate to get connected with the professionals of Werepair, who are local, skilled, experienced, and ready to be available whenever you need their assistance.

Why contact Werepair for refrigerator repair services?

At Werepair we have everything to address any repair problem your refrigerator can throw at us, as well as provide your fridge with thorough maintenance. Our team consists of extremely experienced and skilled technicians. They’ve already proven their ability to accomplish even the most challenging repair. Being local we strive to cover all refrigerator repair needs across Southern California. In other words, we are the best company to choose if you need to repair your fridge.

All Parts in Truck

No matter the issue, at Werepair we are ready to have equipment and materials to replace parts on any fridge.

  • Evaporators
  • Thermostats
  • Ice maker components
  • Solenoids
  • Replacement bulbs
  • Drawers
  • Bins
  • Shelving
  • Defrost heaters
  • Cold controls
  • Door switches
  • Seals
  • Condensers
  • Compressors
  • Fans
  • Valves
  • Water filters


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